Women’s Reading Glasses From Visualites

Take A Look At Visualites Reading Glasses Made for Women

We have a wide array of shapes and styles of our lightweight rimless reading glasses at Visualites. Many of these are unisex, while others are specifically designed for women. Our classic rectangle shape readers look great on men or women, and you can choose between the original screw mount readers with adjustable nose pads, or for a few dollars more you can get our compression mount rectangle readers with a cleaner look. Our newest metal reading glasses, the Visualites X also have a rectangle version. These have become one of our most popular models since their debut this past fall.

From here we branch out into a variety of more unique shapes, let’s have a look.

female reading glassesNew and Modern Visualites X
Let’s start with the new Visualites X, which comes in a softer, more languid shape we call “Pillow.” The rounded corners of the Visualites X Pillow shaped reading glasses give them a more modern look. The smooth temples shine with a pop that accentuates the face, which the burgundy color compliments nicely.

Timeless and Classic Visualites 5
The Visualites 5 is one of our original models, the 1, 2, 5 and 7 being TR-90 flexible reading glasses. These Oval shaped readers are more rounded than the Pillow Visualites X, a more timeless design of readers. The pearl color of these round reading glasses is one of our all-time best sellers. Men also wear the Visualites 5 but they usually choose the black or brown options.

Completely Original Visualites 2
The Visualites 2 is extremely popular with women and probably the only shape we have that are exclusively worn by women. The Half Moon shape looks like a heart, making them ideal for someone looking for a unique, feminine pair of reading glasses.

Distinctive Sun Readers Visualites 6
If you are looking for a pair of sun readers, take a look at the Visualites 6. These are classic aviator style sunglasses with a small window of magnification in the lower lenses, making them ideal for a day at the beach with a good book.

If you are looking for a lightweight pair of comfortable reading glasses that compliment a women’s face you can’t go wrong with any of these shapes and styles. The low profile lenses do not distract from your face and fit well in our low profile tube case. The tube case protects your glasses and makes it easy to keep them with you at all times, which, after all, really is the point of readers. Most of our lenses are approximately 2 inches wide and 1 inch high.  We have done extensive research and found that this is the ideal size for the majority of customers.

Have questions about our lightweight rimless reading glasses? Feel free to contact us at customerservice@visualites.com

By Published On: February 7th, 2020Categories: Designer Reading GlassesComments Off on Women’s Reading Glasses From Visualites

About the Author: Jerry Willis

Jerry Willis is the owner of Lumen Eyewear and the computer glasses and reading glasses brand Visualites. Jerry has years of experience in eyewear frame and lens design and manufacturing of eyewear and is a member of the Vision Council of the United States of America. Lumen Eyewear is also a FDA licensed manufacturer and importer of reading glasses and computer glasses. Visualites is dedicated to bringing its customers products that not only improve their vision but the health of their eyes.

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