Learn more about our Thinoptics reading glasses here

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ThinOptics reading eyeglasses with their custom created case fit easily in your pocket, purse, wallet basically anywhere you need to have readers on the go even attach them to your phone! Over thirty months of development went into these amazing readers with literally hundreds of prototypes tested on thousands of noses. ThinOptics reading eyeglasses have filled the innovation gap so that now your glasses are always with you. ThinOPTICS glasses are created from medical device materials, like the super-elastic metal alloy used for heart stents, and incredibly thin, bulletproof-strong polycarbonate lenses.  These readers are a revolutionary new vision platform built by an engineering team that ontinues to develop new innovations to deliver powerful, “always with you” products to our customers.

Shop for these incredibly small reading glasses here.

chart for measuring Thinoptics reading glasses strength
